I think what I’m trying to achieve is pretty simple, but I still can’t get it to work. I’m trying to make a particle system that sends a water droplet down, and once it collides with anything, it spawns another particle that looks like a splash.
And here’s the splash.
Both work fine on their own, except the splash that spawns at the system location. Is there anything obviously wrong with the setup?
Are you thinking about the Custom Name in the Event generator module and the Event Name in the EventReceiver Spawn module? I think you should be able to see the names in the images I posted. If you’re thinking about something else then I’m not sure.
Actually nevermind it looks like you have that setup correctly, that means the issue is probably in your “actor collision” module, can you post a screenshot of how you have that setup?
Opened the project to take a screenshot, and now it works! Guess it might have been a bug? That being said, only about 70% of the events get called for some reason.
I thought the problem would be that the particle is killed at collision before it gets time to execute the event, but changing the event to “kill” instead of “collision” yields the same result. its like the second emitter just ignores the event sometimes.