Event Hit isn`t sent when actor hits other

I have a wall that must print “hello” after something hitting it. I works fine with еру character and landscape, but it doesn`t work with other actors (for example bullets).

My wall blueprint:

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first thing I would do is checking the settings related to “simulation generate hit event”

as described in “Collision and Simulation Generates Hit Events” on Collision Overview | Unreal Engine Documentation

You should make sure, your mesh has a collision mesh as well, either imported along with the model or generated in UE4 Mesh Editor. No collision mesh results in no hit events at all.

Also it is important, that the collision presets are matching. Hit events are only generated, if both objects result in block with the type of the other. There’s an excellent explanation on this here.

Also, it depends on your objects and how you move them. If for example you do your movement with functions like SetActorTransform on your own, you need to check the “Sweep” checkbox in that function node to make Hit events happen.

And as said above: if your movement is done by physics calculations (having Simulate Physics enabled) the “Simulation Generates Hit Event” is important to fire Hit events.

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i`ve ran “standart game” and got weird result. HIt event was generated with some chance, less bullet velocity, higher chance. Both actors use ccd

Both wall and bullet have collision mesh. Ive set both to block all. Bullet is moved by AddForce, wall doesnt move. Both actors have Simulation Generates Hit Event enabled. Bullet generates hot events while hitting wall, but wall doesn`t. Wall started generating hit events while other actors hit it.