Event hit (hit phys mat) always returns default in surface type

Hi, I’m using the code you see below to spawn custom decals depending on what type of material you hit… But when I use it always returns as default I’ve read online that turning on Return Mat on move fixes it but for me it doesn’t any help is appreciated. Please excuse the mess I moved things around to get it in one snap


I’m pretty sure this only works with simple collision. Does your mesh use simple or complex collision? Apply material to the editor cube and check if it works.

Thank you Marcis! That worked perfectly.

For future reference anyone else who has this problem,
Go to your Static Mesh Editor, Change the Collision Complexity to simple then set your Material. Thanks Marcis!

Unfortunately,not work in UE4.26.Only use Simple Collsion As Complex can do,but the Collsion of import will not work.

May be a little obvious but for me what fixed it was that at the very botom (not shown on your first image) there’s a menu where you have to actually link the physical material with the surface type. I forgot that step so I was always receiving a “default” value.