I am working on a car game. And I wanted the car to emit a particle system when it is hit. So I used the “event hit” node; however, despite I turned on the simulate generate hit event option, the node does not work. But the strange thing is that when I turn the vehicle into a ragdoll using the simulate physics node, the event hit somehow worked again.
Anyone knows what’s going on and how to solve this, please help me! Thank you so much!
You not only need “Simulate Generate Hit Event” option ticked, but also the Collision Settings to not be “No Collision”, and to ensure your object responses are “Blocking” with whatever you’re trying to collide with.
Collision Enabled: No Collision. That needs to be either “No Physics Collision”, or “Physics Collision”. That will allow collision for a kinematic or physics-simulating object respectively.
I realise now that I worded my answer badly when I said “Collision Settings to not be “No Collision””. Sorry!
Same trouble for me. Hit events do not fire. Is there any way to make them work? Because default character does work, the problem is in vehicle class… I use 4.8.1
The vehicle blueprint is kind of a mess. I’m still suffering through the same issues. Anything, even a collision box pretty much makes the vehicle undriveable.
This may have the same solution as regular skeletal meshes that have a physics asset.
Unless you go into the physics asset and ensure that you click on each collision box and tick the “simulate hit events” (or something along those lines, haven’t got the computer in front of me), then the normal steps you take in the blueprint won’t work.
Basically stumbled across this when trying to get hit events to work on a ragdoll mesh.
This works for the default advanced vehicle blueprint. I went into the physics asset and checked “Simulation generates ‘Hit’ events” on the collision body. I also have “simulation generates hit events” on the vehicle mesh in the vehicle blueprint. This enables the hit events for at least the advanced vehicle blueprint. You can use impulse, location, and normal vectors from the hit event to fine tune effects. hope that helps some
I logged in just so that I could upvote this. Thank you so much. I’ve spent hours searching for a solution and this is the only thing that worked. It’s a bit of an oversight in the Blueprints that they do not mention this as a potential issue.