Eva Adventure was rejected by Unreal team

Just so you’re aware, it’s against the forum rules to publicize private communication from the Epic staff. You may want to remove that from one of your posts above.

Hey, let’s not get ahead of ourselves or anything.

The marketplace team is writing up an email to youwith more details. I apologize for the wait in response, they should have a more thorough report for you on Monday.

What next guys? No one still called me a killer. :wink:

If you need examples of next gen characters, there is plenty of examples that differentiating a lot from Daz3D ones.


Thank you for answer. I will be glad to have explanation.
Bu of course after all i am glad to leave.

All my charcters have clean geometry.
In case of Eve you seen body and clothes almost at same place, all together.
You think you an 3D art expert @Galeon? I don’t think so.:slight_smile:


Forget it, this doesn’t change your character looking too smooth without polygon wrinckles.

Hour before @ said that character looks fine. Because I stole it from . :slight_smile:
All that he proved by his posts that he, unfair man and bad 3d artist.
People kind like him don’t apologize in any case.

Please stop responding to this troll. This is basically Truebones all over again in almost every way. He acts stupid and then insults you if you reply to him. Stop feeding the troll.

Theft, troll, what the next lie you will find to hide you own character?

I just pay attention I am speaking with 2 different guys.
Sorry @Galeon I just mixed you with @.
To late here, need to rest. :wink:


I’m locking this thread due to reasons.
It may/may not be unlocked by a moderator or Epic staff member at a later date.

Thank you