Errors Occur* When Trying to Load Paper2D Project From VS2017

I have a Paper2D project that I had put together for a test (of my ideas). This is also a C++ project and VS is not able to load into the editor when building the project from within it, using the Development Editor build configuration.

The project was able to be loaded from VS just fine, before I started playing around with Sprite Flipbooks (for imported textures made into sprites).

The following errors occur (after I am shown what is detailed in the screenshot):

Assertion failed: bPrimitiveShaderDataComesFromSceneBuffer || Elements[ElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBuffer || Elements[ElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBufferResource != 0 [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/SceneManagement.cpp] [Line: 1100]
FMeshBatch was not properly setup. The primitive uniform buffer must be specified.

Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/SceneManagement.cpp] [Line: 271]
FMeshElementCollector::AddMesh - On MeshBatchElement 0, Material ‘undefined’, index buffer object has null RHI resource

Also, trying to continue within VS (after breakpoints are triggered), causes the Editor process to eventually crash with most of the error codes in the final batch being equal to 3 (0x3).

I have tried having the intermediate regenerated, as well as cleaning and rebuilding the solution. I have also tried using the DebugGame build configuration. This would not help either.

Please let me know if this is an issue I can resolve or if this is an engine bug.

UPDATE:* I have had a new C++ Paper2D project made yesterday and after migrating some of my assets from the old project to this new one, it seemed to be working fine. But trying to access the project today, I have noticed the same errors occur after it has finished compiling.

I believe this is related to the SpriteFlipbook in some manner, but I am still not sure how to resolve these issues.

Same problem here… Something in Paper2D is crashing. We have the same crash in the editor (after 5-10 seconds of starting the editor) and in PIE (after 5-10 seconds after hitting play). We use Sprites and Flipbooks and Grouped Sprites.

I am also running into the same issue. I am running on a windows 10 laptop and thebuild is a debug game editor build for pc.

To get the crash.

  1. Open unreal editor
  2. Create a flip book asset
  3. Add an empty key frame, no crash
  4. Drag a sprite into the empty key frame slot, it crashes because the PrimitiveUniformBuffer is null

checkf(bPrimitiveShaderDataComesFromSceneBuffer || Elements[ElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBuffer || Elements[ElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBufferResource != NULL,
TEXT(“FMeshBatch was not properly setup. The primitive uniform buffer must be specified.”));

  1. Callstack

UE4Editor-Engine.dll!FMeshBatch::PreparePrimitiveUniformBuffer(const FPrimitiveSceneProxy * PrimitiveSceneProxy, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel) Line 1099 C++
UE4Editor-Engine.dll!FMeshElementCollector::AddMesh(int ViewIndex, FMeshBatch & MeshBatch) Line 267 C++
UE4Editor-Paper2D.dll!FPaperRenderSceneProxy::GetNewBatchMeshesPrebuilt(const FSceneView * View, int ViewIndex, FMeshElementCollector & Collector) Line 428 C++
UE4Editor-Paper2D.dll!FPaperRenderSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<FSceneView const *,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > & Views, const FSceneViewFamily & ViewFamily, unsigned int VisibilityMap, FMeshElementCollector & Collector) Line 314 C++
UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!FSceneRenderer::GatherDynamicMeshElements(TArray<FViewInfo,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > & InViews, const FScene * InScene, const FSceneViewFamily & InViewFamily, FGlobalDynamicIndexBuffer & DynamicIndexBuffer, FGlobalDynamicVertexBuffer & DynamicVertexBuffer, FGlobalDynamicReadBuffer & DynamicReadBuffer, const TArray<unsigned char,TMemStackAllocator<0> > & HasDynamicMeshElementsMasks, const TArray<unsigned char,TMemStackAllocator<0> > & HasDynamicEditorMeshElementsMasks, const TArray<unsigned char,TMemStackAllocator<0> > & HasViewCustomDataMasks, FMeshElementCollector & Collector) Line 2887 C++
UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!FSceneRenderer::ComputeViewVisibility(FRHICommandListImmediate & RHICmdList, FExclusiveDepthStencil::Type BasePassDepthStencilAccess, TArray<FViewCommands,TInlineAllocator<4,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > > & ViewCommandsPerView, FGlobalDynamicIndexBuffer & DynamicIndexBuffer, FGlobalDynamicVertexBuffer & DynamicVertexBuffer, FGlobalDynamicReadBuffer & DynamicReadBuffer) Line 3946 C++
UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::InitViews(FRHICommandListImmediate & RHICmdList, FExclusiveDepthStencil::Type BasePassDepthStencilAccess, FILCUpdatePrimTaskData & ILCTaskData, TArray<TRefCountPtr,TInlineAllocator<4,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > > & UpdateViewCustomDataEvents) Line 4234 C++
UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::Render(FRHICommandListImmediate & RHICmdList) Line 1085 C++
UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!RenderViewFamily_RenderThread(FRHICommandListImmediate & RHICmdList, FSceneRenderer * SceneRenderer) Line 3477 C++
[Inline Frame] UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!FRendererModule::BeginRenderingViewFamily::__l35::<lambda_7df85a902bb55f107fd3c0b688678f3c>::operator()(FRHICommandListImmediate &) Line 3702 C++
[Inline Frame] UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!TEnqueueUniqueRenderCommandType<FRendererModule::BeginRenderingViewFamily'::35’::FDrawSceneCommandName,<lambda_7df85a902bb55f107fd3c0b688678f3c> >::DoTask(ENamedThreads::Type) Line 198 C++
UE4Editor-Renderer.dll!TGraphTask<TEnqueueUniqueRenderCommandType<FRendererModule::BeginRenderingViewFamily'::35’::FDrawSceneCommandName,<lambda_7df85a902bb55f107fd3c0b688678f3c> > >::ExecuteTask(TArray<FBaseGraphTask *,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > & NewTasks, ENamedThreads::Type CurrentThread) Line 847 C++
[Inline Frame] UE4Editor-Core.dll!FBaseGraphTask::Execute(TArray<FBaseGraphTask *,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > & CurrentThread, ENamedThreads::Type) Line 514 C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int QueueIndex, bool bAllowStall) Line 686 C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int QueueIndex) Line 583 C++
UE4Editor-RenderCore.dll!RenderingThreadMain(FEvent * TaskGraphBoundSyncEvent) Line 340 C++
UE4Editor-RenderCore.dll!FRenderingThread::Run() Line 490 C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() Line 96 C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() Line 45 C++

Ah, well at least now I know that I am not alone in experiencing* this issue. I have switched over to using Unity for the time being. I hope someone knows of a solution to the issues we are experiencing.

Well at least it’s good to know that this is not only an issue I am experiencing. Is there anyone out there who can offer us a solution?

I can confirm that flip book works for me in latest patch 4.24.2

I can confirm that flipbook works for me in the latest patch version 4.24.2

I am having 4.24.2 installed on my machine, I will let you know how that works for me when it has finished.

I am able to have the project opened up via the launcher, I will see what happens when I have it load from Visual Studio.

Well, it works as intended with the latest update. It seems as though certain 2D issues have been resolved, so I will mark your answer as accepted