Error WorldSettings_1 Maps need lighting rebuilt Info Map check complete: 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), took 32٫188ms to complete.

Error WorldSettings_1 Maps need lighting rebuilt
Info Map check complete: 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), took 32٫188ms to complete.

15:11:26: [Ping] Communication with the coordinator failed, job distribution will be disabled until the connection is established
15:11:26: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
15:11:26: [Job] Accepted Job 7F187123-4F1DEC61-7B0E9E9E-7A74A0AA
15:11:28: [Job] Launched Job UnrealLightmass_2022-01-22_06-40-21_1126144-64bit.exe
15:11:28: [Job]     PID is 14156
15:11:28: [Job]     GUID is "7F187123-4F1DEC61-7B0E9E9E-7A74A0AA"
15:11:28: LogLightmass: Display: Lightmass Win64 started on: DESKTOP-BPUGJG7. Command-line: 7F1871234F1DEC617B0E9E9E7A74A0AA
15:11:28: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/
15:11:28: Failed to load 'aqProf.dll' (GetLastError=126)
15:11:28: File 'aqProf.dll' does not exist
15:11:28: Failed to load 'VtuneApi.dll' (GetLastError=126)
15:11:28: File 'VtuneApi.dll' does not exist
15:11:28: Failed to load 'VtuneApi32e.dll' (GetLastError=126)
15:11:28: File 'VtuneApi32e.dll' does not exist
15:11:28: Lightmass Win64 started on: DESKTOP-BPUGJG7. Command-line: 7F1871234F1DEC617B0E9E9E7A74A0AA
15:11:28: LogLightmass: Display: Processing scene GUID: 7F1871234F1DEC617B0E9E9E7A74A0AA with 10 threads
15:11:28: Processing scene GUID: 7F1871234F1DEC617B0E9E9E7A74A0AA with 10 threads
15:11:28: Building static lighting...
15:11:28: [OpenConnection] Registering TCP channel ...
15:11:28: [OpenConnection] Connecting to agent ...
15:11:28: [TryOpenConnection] Testing the Agent
15:11:29: [TryOpenConnection] Opening Connection to Agent
15:11:29: [TryOpenConnection] Local Process ID is 14156
15:11:29: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 14156
15:11:29: [Job]     5AA1F3C8 -> 6AE0C486
15:11:29: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
15:11:29: Skylight import processing 0.004s with CubemapSize 128
15:11:29: Measured CPU frequency: 2.59 GHz
15:11:29: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
15:11:29: Number of texture mappings: 7
15:11:29: Number of fluid mappings:   0
15:11:29: Number of landscape mappings:   0
15:11:29: Number of BSP mappings:     0
15:11:29: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 7
15:11:29: Scene surface area calculated at 0.888 million units (33.959% of the estimated 2.615 million units)
15:11:29: Importance volume surface area calculated at 0.888 million units (0.000% of the estimated 0.000 million units)
15:11:29: Embree Build 0.0s
15:11:29: Collision Mesh Overview:
15:11:29: Num Triangles         : 11932
15:11:29: MeshInfos             :     0.0Mb
15:11:29: UVs                   :     0.1Mb
15:11:29: LightmapUVs           :     0.1Mb
15:11:29: Embree Used Memory    :     0.9Mb
15:11:29: Processing...
15:11:29: EmitDirectPhotons complete, 0.005 million photons emitted in 0.0 seconds
15:11:29: Built photon segment map in 0.0 seconds
15:11:29: EmitIndirectPhotons complete, 0.001 million photons emitted in 0.0 seconds
15:11:29: Marking Irradiance Photons complete, 0.000 million photons marked in 0.0 seconds
15:11:29: Caching Irradiance Photons complete, 0.012 million cache samples in 0.0 seconds
15:11:29: Calculate Irradiance Photons complete, 0.000 million irradiance calculations in 0.0 seconds
15:11:29: Radiosity Setup 0.1s
15:11:29: Lighting 18.8%
15:11:29: Lighting 28.7%
15:11:29: [Job] Job is a success!
15:11:29: Lighting 46.6%
15:11:29: Lighting 64.4%
15:11:29: Lighting 82.2%
15:11:29: Lighting 100.0%
15:11:30: Total Static Lighting time:    0.54 seconds, 10 threads
15:11:30:  3.5%     0.0s    Scene setup
15:11:30:  3.8%     0.0s    Emit Direct Photons
15:11:30:  0.1%     0.0s    Cache Indirect Photon Paths
15:11:30:  0.4%     0.0s    Emit Indirect Photons
15:11:30:  0.3%     0.0s    Mark 0.000 million Irradiance Photons
15:11:30:  3.2%     0.0s    Cache 0.012 million Irradiance Photon Samples on surfaces
15:11:30:  0.2%     0.0s    Calculate 0.000 million Irradiance Photons
15:11:30: 96.3%     0.5s    Lighting
15:11:30:  0.0%     0.0s    Unaccounted
15:11:30: Total Direct Photon Emitting thread seconds: 0.0
15:11:30: 27.6%     0.0s    Sampling Lights
15:11:30:  2.2%     0.0s    Custom attenuation
15:11:30: 29.0%     0.0s    Tracing
15:11:30:  1.9%     0.0s    Processing results
15:11:30: 39.2%     0.0s    Unaccounted
15:11:30: Total Irradiance Photon Caching thread seconds: 0.1
15:11:30:  3.2%     0.0s    Octree traversal
15:11:30:  2.0%     0.0s    0.007 million Visibility rays
15:11:30: 94.8%     0.1s    Unaccounted
15:11:30: Radiosity Setup thread seconds: 0.3, Radiosity Iteration thread seconds: 0.0
15:11:30: Total busy Lighting thread seconds: 3.86
15:11:30:  6.5%     0.3s    Texel and vertex setup
15:11:30: 21.0%     0.8s    Direct lighting
15:11:30:      0.8%     0.0s    Area shadows with 0.158 million rays
15:11:30:      0.8%     0.0s    Signed distance field source sparse sampling
15:11:30:     15.8%     0.6s    Signed distance field source refining sampling
15:11:30:      3.5%     0.1s    Signed distance field transition searching
15:11:30:      0.0%     0.0s    Unaccounted
15:11:30: 14.7%     0.6s    Block on indirect lighting cache tasks
15:11:30:  7.9%     0.3s    Block on IrradianceCache Interpolation tasks
15:11:30:  0.3%     0.0s    Volumetric Lightmap - 0.000 million samples
15:11:30:      0.0%     0.0s    VoxelizationTime
15:11:30:      0.0%     0.0s    GatherImportancePhotons
15:11:30:      0.0%     0.0s    DirectLightingTime
15:11:30:      0.5%     0.0s    FinalGatherTime
15:11:30: 16.7%     0.6s    Unaccounted
15:11:30: Indirect lighting cache task thread seconds: 1.01
15:11:30:  4.0%     0.0s    ImportancePhotonGatherTime
15:11:30:  0.0%     0.0s    CalculateImportanceSampleTime
15:11:30: 42.7%     0.4s    FirstBounceRayTraceTime for 1.379 million rays
15:11:30:  2.3%     0.0s    CalculateExitantRadiance
15:11:30: Traced 2.836 million first hit visibility rays for a total of 0.7 thread seconds (4.100 million per thread second)
15:11:30: Traced 0.017 million boolean visibility rays for a total of 0.0 thread seconds (4.468 million per thread second)
15:11:30: Scene radius 456.2, Importance bounds radius 0.0
15:11:30: 7 Mappings, 0.089 million Texels, 0.078 million mapped texels
15:11:30: 77.8% of Total Lighting thread seconds on Texture Mappings, 0% on Volume Samples, 0% on Volumetric Lightmap, 0% on Visibility, 21.9% Unaccounted
15:11:30: 2 Lights total, 2.0 Shadow rays per light sample on average
15:11:30: Signed distance field shadows: 9.9 average upsample factor, 0.084 million sparse source rays, 0.862 million refining source rays, 0.038 million transition search scatters
15:11:30: 0.005 million first pass Photons Emitted (out of 0.005 million requested) to deposit 0.000 million Direct Photons and 4 Indirect Photon Paths, efficiency of 4.06%
15:11:30: 0.001 million second pass Photons Emitted (out of 0.001 million requested) to deposit 0.000 million Indirect Photons, efficiency of 10.34%
15:11:30: 0.013 million Photon Gathers, 0.012 million Irradiance Photon Gathers
15:11:30: 0.082 million Importance Photons found, 0.000 million Importance Photon PDF calculations
15:11:30: 28.6%    Bounce 1 Irradiance cache miss rate (0.042 million lookups, 0.012 million misses, 0.001 million inside geometry)
15:11:30: Final Gather: 0.1s on 0.218 million base samples, 0.8s on 1.161 million refining samples for 2 refinement levels. 
15:11:30:    31.1% due to brightness differences, 60.4% due to importance photons, 8.6% other reasons, Samples at depth: 39.9%, 60.1%, 
15:11:30: 178.2 Mb Peak Working Set
15:11:30: Lightmass on DESKTOP-BPUGJG7: 1.39 sec total, 150 ms importing, 18 ms setup, 133 ms photons, 1.05 sec processing, 0 ms extra exporting [7/7 mappings]. Threads: 11.6 sec total, 1.93 sec processing.
15:11:30: Lighting complete [Startup = 150 ms, Lighting = 1.20 sec]
15:11:30: Failed to send back log file through Swarm!
15:11:30: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 6AE0C486 using handle 6AE0C486
15:11:30: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 6AE0C486
15:11:30: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 6AE0C486
15:11:30: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 6AE0C486 with no message
15:11:30: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 5AA1F3C8 using handle 5AA1F3C8
15:11:30: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 5AA1F3C8
15:11:30: [CloseConnection] Closing orphaned Job (7F187123-4F1DEC61-7B0E9E9E-7A74A0AA)
15:11:30: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 5AA1F3C8
15:11:30: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 5AA1F3C8 with no message
15:11:30: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (6AE0C486)
15:11:30: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (5AA1F3C8)
15:11:30: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 6AE0C486
15:11:30: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 5AA1F3C8
15:11:30: [MaintainConnections] All connections have closed
15:11:30: [Maintain Jobs] Killing rogue Job "7F187123-4F1DEC61-7B0E9E9E-7A74A0AA"
15:12:26: [Ping] Communication with the coordinator failed, job distribution will be disabled until the connection is established
15:13:27: [Ping] Communication with the coordinator failed, job distribution will be disabled until the connection is established

And this is in swarm log trying every second

15:20:07: [Ping] Communication with the coordinator failed, job distribution will be disabled until the connection is established

Are you using a pluging?

Try this:

if it does not work maybe it is a pluging…
Some DLL are missing… so maybe you need add the module in your .Build.cs and, regenerate the project files, and recompile.

It is blueprint project
and it is not plugin

Ok… i don’t know what it is then…

i know some DLL are missing… when this happen it is becouse the program is not installed.

but, try this anyway… maybe works…

Sin título

if not, mayebe you need reinstall the engine…

or maybe dll are missing because the path has chinese characters too… take a look of that

I tried everything, but nothing helped, even other versions of the engine do not help, and these are not Chinese letters, but Cyrillic just log showed it like that before

Cyrilic cause problems too… use the second table characters only

from 0 to 127

Yes I know , I am now using only latin characters

Are you programing a dedicated server?

look this:

Maybe help!!


i have not idea then… i’m sorry

Does it happen only with this map?

Not only with this map

Have you tried verifying your engine?

Above you wrote that you changed folder names? Go to your engine folder Engine\Binaries\DotNET, start SwarmAgent, go to setting and check cache folder path with your current folder path.

It’s all correct

Try installing Visual Studio, check game development with C++ and inside check Unreal Engine installer.

It haven’t helped

Even new empty project won’t build?



If this didn’t help, well… A Windows reinstallation…

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