Error with the game rounds


Hello, I’ve been having problems with the rounds in my creative map. At the end of the first round (Losing or winning) the players’ screen goes into spectator mode, this causes the character (skin) to not be controlled for the rest of the game. I clarify that the victory condition of the game is the player who obtains the most points in the 5 rounds.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Island Settings

Steps to Reproduce

  • Start the round
  • End the round (winning or losing)

Expected Result

At the end of the round, the player should appear and be able to play it.

Observed Result

When loading the next round the player will be stuck in spectator mode.



Island Code


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Can confirm I’m experiencing the exact same issue. Did you end up finding a workaround? Ty!

Unfortunately I can’t find a solution to the problem, despite having made adjustments in (“Mode”-> “Victory condition”) and in the “Down but not out” device it didn’t solve the error, apparently the problem appeared with version 34:00 of the game since it didn’t occur before.

Update on the error: this occurs when the player is eliminated by the environment (NPC, fall damage, etc.) or by a player