Error While Creating a new c++ class in Unreal Engine Live Coding

I am right now trying to create my own Online Subsystem and while creating a new c++ class for my multiplayer plugin I have some sort of compilation errors. Like I tried to create a new c++ class using UserWidget as my parent class but once I click the create button Live Coding Starts and the live coding fails automatically such that I get this error

“Failed to link patch (0.000s) (Exit code: 0x460)”

But In my visual studio if I click reload all the c++ class is visible but I am not able to compile it, so I had to delete all the binaries, saved and intermediate files and had to regenerate all the visual studio files once I do that my game project is not opening like it says try to rebuild it manually but tried that also not working. I have a backup of my project before creating my c++ class. I have also attached some screenshots.

So if anyone helps me out to create the c++ class I require I would more than appreciate them… Thanks in Advance…

  1. Invalidated cache in Rider by: Open Rider > File > Invalidate Caches.
  2. Deleted “Binaries” folder in project folder. Unreal recompiled whole thing without a problem.
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In the MultiplayerSessions.Build.cs file, you find the “PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange” and add three items. “UMG”, “Slate” and “SlateCore”.