Hey Guys, so I got this error when trying to build UE4 from Visual Studio/Source File (right-clicking on UE4 and choosing “Build”) where it said something like “…\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4 Editor Win64 Development -waitmutex1 exited with code -1”.
I’m pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly given in the source file. I’ve also searched on the answer hub but haven’t got a solution to fixing this problem.
My Specs are : Windows 8.1 64Bit AMD Radeon R9280 …and I don’t really know what else to put in 
Please Help!!
Can someone PLEASE help???
Hey -
Can you make sure that the Solution Configuration and Solution Platform are set to Development Editor and Win64 respectively? If that doesn’t help then please provide the full error message from Visual Studio by copy/pasting the Output log after the compile attempt?
Hi ,
Thanks for the reply. I already made sure that the Solution Configuration and Solution Platform are set to Development Editor and Win64 before I started building UE4. But here’s what the error log looks like :
Thanks again.
The Output Tab is MUCH more bigger than it normally is. Like there is this huge set of commands going through when I press build. But one thing that I can tell is that the error pops up when it tries to run UnrealHeaderTool.
I’m curious what the negative number is from. Would it be possible to post the Output Tab as well. There is usually more detailed information there pointing to the issue. Also, which branch of the engine are you attempting to build (Release, Promoted, etc.)?
For the Output log, you can see where it says Output at the bottom next to Error List. In reference to the engine version, I was asking which branch shown in the screenshot’s drop down list did you download from GitHub.
For the branch, I’m pretty sure that I chose “release”, and for the output log, I know where it is but do I have to paste it all in here? Because I won’t be able to do that (its really long). Also, it’s nighttime here so I might not reply as early as I am right now.
You can copy the output log to a text file and then upload the file as an attachment.
Okay so I’m back, and here’s what I meant when I said that the Output Log is much bigger than what I think it is :
Whoops, sorry for that same post, I thought I didn’t post it correctly so I wrote it again…
But anyways, have you viewed the log that I sent in?
Hey -
Nothing in the logs seems to jump out at me however I am still trying to over the whole thing to make sure I didn’t miss anything. In the mean time, can you try redownloading the source code zip and running the Setup.bat / GenerateProjectFiles.bat and build the .sln again to make sure there wasn’t a problem with the initial download?
Hi ,
I haven’t heard from you for a while now. Hope you have the log and searching for an answer.
Hi ,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.
Hi , I did try downloading it again but it did not work. I thought you were still searching for an answer in the Output Log so I didn’t reply.
Can you provide your DXDiag for additional info? Can you also let me know if you’re able to install the Epic Games Launcher and create a new C++ project using the binary engine? If not please include any errors you get in your response.
Ok so when I try to download Epic Games Launcher, I get this error called “0xc00007b” when I try to launch it, because of that I can’t install UE4 there. Also, do I send a screenshot of my DXDiag to you or is there some other way?
The “Save All Information” button on the DXDiag window should allow you to save the info as a text document. You can then add the .txt file as an attachment.
As for the 0xc00007b error, some solutions I’ve found include re-installing the latest .NET framework or re-installing/running the Launcher as an administrator. Let me know if either of those suggestions help when you respond with your DXDiag
Okay, so first things first, I haven’t replied as early because I’ve still been trying to figure out the 0xc000007b error because reinstalling the latest .NET framework or re-installing/running the Launcher as an administrator didn’t work.
I’ve also put in the dxdiag as attachment.
Hey -
Out of curiosity, are you installing the engine to an internal or external hard drive? Can you also try installing on a separate machine and see if you are still getting errors? If you are using any anti-virus software, also make sure that UE4 / UnrealEngine is not being blocked by the software.