Yesterday I opened my project which was only in blueprints I tried to create any class in C ++ but it appears an error saying that I would need to recompile my project to C ++ so I restarted the project already with visual studio open and ue4 recompiled the project to the engine in C ++ , but still giving the same error as it appears in the photo:
@FOrwbackdoor Have you recompiled the project in Visual Studio?
This is not necessarily an error. These types of issues usually occur when there was another class previously created before the IDE has been successfully re-complied. Please post the complier results of the Visual Studio project for further diagnostics.
Now I can not compile again this error appears
Running C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.17/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/Pichau/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject33/MyProject33.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Not expecting project C:\Users\Pichau\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject33\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\MyProject33.vcxproj to already have a target rules of with configuration name Game (MyProject3Target) while trying to add: MyProject2Target
There seems to be an error going on with your Intermediate files. Please be sure to delete this folder from the project in visual studio and try recompiling the project in Visual Studio. Then proceed to building the project in Visual Studio as well.
I’ve actually uninstalled unreal 4.17 and epic games and all subfolders of% appdata% documents and x86 program files and program files from both and downloaded the Epic Games installer again, then installed Unreal Engine 4.18.3 and I added my project to the documents folder again so when I opened it it asked to compile and recompile, I clicked on yes for both and it opened my project correctly but still giving the same error to add C ++ class, compile C ++ code inside the unreal engine and create projects of the category C ++, then the problem would not be in the case my project and yes my pc that could miss files DLL rules in system 32, but I reinstalled everything, I do not want to format my pc.
Were you able resolve the issue?