Error when packageing for windows 64

When i try to package for development build for windows 64 it does not work, i tried reinstalling everything still does not work, if i press yes on that image it does not download anything at all, if i press no it says “missing required files to package this platform” don’t understand why it does this :frowning:

i have installed visual studio 2017 and everything


packageing for windows 32 seams to work but not 64 wtf

and now it does not work anymore was allowed to do it on new project will try to generate new project and try again

now it does not work for new projects either :frowning:

this happens when i try create a c++ project
… is it something wrong on epic’s side? or my side?

just going to install lots of things from visual studio and hope it works :stuck_out_tongue:

still does not work LAJsfalskjfaölskfJASLKfjALSKfjASLKFJASLFKJASLKFJAS

It is a linker error. it fails to find “ws2_32.lib”. check that your VS2017 has that library installed

also please don’t spam your progress in threads, it bumps too aggressively dropping other questions behind (which is great for you but unrespectful for others)