Error when install the build file of UE5.1 VR

Recently I build a VR project which using UE5.1 version by following this thread UE 5.1.0 preview 2 - Failing to build for Oculus Quest 2 (linker errors) . I successfully build it however problem come when install in quest 2.

[INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl607579928.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #8): Requires newer sdk version #30 (current version is #29)]

I trying to uninstall Android 10 API level 29 and install Android 10.0+ API level 30 and it seem like not update in Device manager. I already click setupandroid after I build as well.

Have anyone here successfully build VR in UE 5.1 or any things that I can do?

Thanks a lot.



I hit the same issue.
Seems to be a general Android issue that is new for UE5.1, not specific to Oculus.
This worked for me:
In Settings / Android SDK
SDK-API should be the Target SDK: android-33
NDK-API should be the MIN SDK: android-29 <<<<<<<
For 5.03 you can leave that blank, or lastest.
For 5.10, you need to set that NDK-API to the Min SDK, and, you need to enter it as “android-29” ( without the double quotes! )
The Quest runs on Android 10, SDK 29


Oh, thanks for helping it work and need to restart the computer!!! After build it got an error at the top left view. Can I ask how to disable the error?

Worked! Just changed the NDK under Settings > Android SDK > Platforms.
Thanks so much for this!!!


wanted to +1 this post. had a tough time getting this set up on quest in 5.1 and this fixed the issue. thanks!

Thank you

Finally got a working build in Unreal 5.3 after having this issue. Like the others my solution involved targeting SDK version 29, even though adb told me it needed 33. My android SDK settings looked slightly different though, so here’s that in case anyone is still struggling with it and wants to try mine:



I was having the same issue. That way fixed it for me! Thanks

This setup worked for me, UE 5.3.2