When writing code in C ++ encountered a problem when compiling my game on Unrial Engine 4.11.2 in Visual Studio 2015. When you select Dubug Game, Shipping Development compiler or flies such an error as shown in the picture, but when other things are good. The problem is that I need Shipping compilation for a small optimization. If someone can help to solve this problem will be grateful, or at least can give a reference to the decision.
And so if someone knows a solution, please describe it as detailed as possible to avoid any unnecessary questions.
Thanks for the help in advance as a petition asking for my bad english if something is not clear.
Shipping expects content (shaders, models etc) to have been ‘cooked’, ready for shipping the game.
As far as I am aware, without ‘cooked’ content, shipping builds won’t run.
Kris tell, how ‘cooked’ for the delivery of content to the game, that shiping has earned?
Take a look at Packaging and Cooking Games.
Kris tell this button “Cook content for Window” is not the same as that cooking content from the command line windows. What you wrote above.
If so, how to resolve the error shown in the picture and just what this error may be related.
As far as I know, that option is the same as running it manually via the command line.
If you are trying to produce .exes & packages, try Package Project -> Windows 64 instead.
That works for me.
I’ve found that I can’t run shipping builds out of Visual Studio even with cooked content.
@Kris, does your process match the repro steps I posted here?
I’ve always used the Package Project option, not Cook content for Windows.
Not sure what difference that makes, if any