Error: Unknown cook failure

I am using UE4.18.3, and I am making a game called Death Avenue. I have tried packaging my latest build for windows 32bit and 64bit, yet I always get an Error: Unknown Cook Failure.
The full output log is here: EntireThing -
The UAT log is here: UAT.txt
Thanks in advance!

Cooking by itself does not work either.

According to the error the gamemode cannot be found:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): LogInit: Display: CookResults: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/FirstPersonGameMode
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogCook: Warning: Unable to find package for cooking /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/FirstPersonGameMode

You i think changed the name of the files
Make Sure there is a directory : /FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/FirstPersonGameMode
with the gamemode called FirstPersonGameMode

Will try now.

According to the output log now, these are the only errors: UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogLinker:
Error: AddRedirectList(D:/Documents/Unreal Projects/Death Avenue - Revamped Edition/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini) failed to add redirector from TP_FirstPersonBP to /Script/Death Avenue.TP_FirstPersonBP with invalid characters!
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Error: AddRedirectList(D:/Documents/Unreal Projects/Death Avenue - Revamped Edition/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini) failed to add redirector from /Script/TP_FirstPersonBP to /Script/Death Avenue with invalid characters!

And Yh if u really want to change the name of things first go the edit>project settings>maps&modes and change the gamemode there and also change the gamemode in the world settings
Hope this helps. Tick this as the answer if it solves the probb

did you changed the engine.ini?

As I said above:
According to the output log now, these are the only errors: UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogLinker: Error: AddRedirectList(D:/Documents/Unreal Projects/Death Avenue - Revamped Edition/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini) failed to add redirector from TP_FirstPersonBP to /Script/Death Avenue.TP_FirstPersonBP with invalid characters! UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogLinker:
Error: AddRedirectList(D:/Documents/Unreal Projects/Death Avenue - Revamped Edition/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini) failed to add redirector from /Script/TP_FirstPersonBP to /Script/Death Avenue with invalid characters!

Just go to the file /Script/TP_FirstPersonBP to /Script/Death Avenue and paste the settings here

u might have set the folder wrong somewhere. try searching for script folder in the win explorer

should be in here [ProjectDirectory]/Config/[Platform]/[Platform]Engine.ini

Where is the file located? There is no directory of /script/

The only files in the config folder are the defaultgame.ini, the defaultengine.ini, defaultinput.ini, defaulteditor.ini, and DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini. Am I missing entire folders?

Is it under [ProjectDirectory]/Saved/Config/Windows/Windows/Engine.ini?

yh should be according to unreal engine wiki

if u find that please post it here and also post defaultengine.ini

if u do have found that config folder and the defaultengine.ini and engine.ini / not the saved one just find the redirector line and try removing the line to check if that helps

link text

here’s the files… engine.ini is from …\Unreal Projects\Death Avenue - Revamped Edition\Saved\Config\Windows

defaultengine.ini is from …\Unreal Projects\Death Avenue - Revamped Edition\Config

link text

OK… think it’s fixed… found the two redirect lines in the defaultengine.ini in the “[/Script/Engine.Engine]” section and removed them… build now successful :slight_smile:

This worked, can you please make your comment an answer, so I can set it as resolved.