Error trying to package C++ plugin

I just created a basic C++ plugin and wanted to package it so I can use it in other projects. I can compile and run the plugin just fine. However, when I click package in the editor Plugins window, the Unreal Build Tool gives me the following error.

Unhandled exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file <packagedfolder>\HostProject\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\Core\SharedPCH.Core.RTTI.Cpp20.h.obj.rsp

The odd thing is that if I go to the folder, the file it says it can’t find is in fact there. It created it during the build process before it fails saying it can’t find it. I’ve made sure there are no strange characters or spaces in the path. Anyone know why I would be getting this error and what I could do?