Error : reader on the wrong thread when load class from pak

I got this error after i mount the pak file,and then use StaticLoadClass to load the BP class in pak.

LogPakFile: Error: Attempted seek using thread-specific pak file reader on the wrong thread. Reader for thread 11100 used by thread 10768.

LogPakFile: Error: Attempted serialize using thread-specific pak file reader on the wrong thread. Reader for thread 11100 used by thread 10768.

Class has been loaded with no problem. and I can spawn the actor from the pak.
I tried to search about this error but found nothing. My game can run with no problem but i dont want to let this error remain like this.Can someone know about this error and how to fix it.

thank you

Hello! I’ve run into this question because I thought this error might cause problems with loading blueprints from pak file, but as you say, you have managed to spawn the BP actor into the game.
Could you please explain to me how you managed to do that?
I simply try to spawn them with StreamableManager.SynchronousLoad(), but it causes some bunch of errors like this one:

LogLinker: Warning: Failed to read package file summary, the file "FBufferReader" is unversioned and we cannot safely load unversioned files in the editor.

And this one:

LogLinker: Warning: The file 'C:/Unreal Projects/ProjectName/Content/Mods/TestMod/ProjectName/Content/Mods/Mod_BackgroundLevel_BP_BaseClass.uasset' contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.


Did you cook your asset?
for running in editor you dont need to cook anything before pack the asset.

Oh well, I guess I do cook my assets, but what about a packaged game? I can’t spawn any BP actors from a mounted pak file in editor nor in packaged. Well, tomorrow I’ll try looking deeper into NOT cooking stuff.

Post Edit:

So I packed my assets using UnrealPak.exe with no additional parameters. Mount it, but then the blueprints inside it have path-references and they are trying to find their parents by the old path and I don’t even know if you can dynamically change the references inside them… Can’t even think how it would be possible to load a static mesh, thus it would need to have a correct path to its material, and the material will need all those paths to textures and so on…

Did you solve this problem? I am having the same problem @