Error prone scene graph editor behavior


When an editable component data field references a concrete entity from the scene or maybe even the prefab graph and such entity gets deleted, the editor does not remove the references automatically. Instead it keeps the deleted entities around and prefixes those with TRASH_*. If the same reference was used many many times, the editor will make it really hard to debug this problem and to find where such trashed entity is still around.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

test_component := class<final_super>(component) {
  SomeEntity: entity
  • Place two entities into the scene
  • Add the above component on one of these entities
  • Link / reference the other entity with the editable field
  • Delete the referenced entity from the scene
  • The reference will now become TRASH_*

Expected Result

The editor should automatically remove the references and flag the fields as not being initialized!

Observed Result

The editor silently keeps a trashed reference which will create errors in the project that are hard to catch, debug and fix.



The above ticket is a duplicate of FORT-870988 which will be addressed in a future update. Editable references in scene graph prefabs stay unique and are not being overridden in the main level - #10 by Bug-Reporter

FORT-871015’s status has changed to ‘Ready for QA’. A member of the QA department is investigating the issue.