I’ve got a project I’m working on in 4.8, and have been packaging it regularly to test various issues, but since yesterday, when I’ve been packaging it, it’s been failing. I found out that it’s actually the cook, not the packaging, it’s failing. Further to that I’ve worked out that the cook is failing on a level I’ve recently edited.
FSlateApplication::Get is returning a null pointer to “CurrentApplication” when a 3D text renderer component is trying to work out its own height.
I have changed the 3D texts in the levels, I’ve adjusted the offline font I’m using for the texts to use a broader range of unicode characters (to prevent graphical issues with baltic characers) so it may have been something I’ve done, but I don’t know enough about how the slate application manages itself to know if that’s the case.
I’ve attached a print screen of my call stack in case that helps.
I’d love to know whether or not you can cook and package your project in 4.10.1? With that being said, I see that you’re still in 4.8 and this is just the cooking . Are you simply cooking for Windows and not packaging, or are you trying to package as well? The output are typically sufficient and will provide any errors that you’ve encountered.
The issue I wouldn’t think should be related to the UE4 version, as I was packaging this very project before Christmas, so it must’ve been some change I’ve made in the intervening period, but from the information supplied I simply can’t work out what it is. It appears to be failing cooking on a level I was in and editing when this problem started.
Yes, I was originally trying to package, but wanted to isolate the issue and see if it would occur if I tried to cook on its own, which it did.
I’ll paste a link [here][1] for the full UAT_Log and the engine log in case they’re of more use.
Please delete your Intermediate and Saved folders from your project. Once you’ve done that, try to package your project once again.
If you are still running into the same issue, please create a COPY of your project for 4.9 or 4.10 and try to package within that version of the engine. Once you’ve created this new version of your project, please let me see the that populate if it fails again during packaging.
I would also try removing the level you think it’s causing trouble from your project and see if that makes any difference. Do not delete it, just remove it to another folder.
I found I could fix this issue by simply replacing my content folder from my currently broken project, with a previous backup. This leads me to believe it was probably something stupid I had done to one of the assets.