Goat is right. Just set target in VS or Xcode to UnrealLightMass > My Mac, then go back to Unreal and Build and this problem is revolved.
Thanks,only your method works for me.I’m using 4.16 with nvidia gameworks,and the problem solved.
Yes! This fixed for me too (4.14)
Help??? What is VS? How hard is for someone who knows how to solve this problem to just gives two-thee steps???
I am frustrated 1/2 of the problem and the rest from this tread.
Please, someone who actually can help?
VS is Visual Studio. You will need to:
- If you don’t have sln file project then Right click on your uproject and generate Visul Studio project files.
- Open sln file.
- In Visual Studio check for Programs directory.
- Right click on UnrealLightmass project and select Rebuild
Is this can be also that problem’s solve; https://answers.unrealengine/questions/736775/cant-build-my-level-lighting.html
I’m suffering, please help
You just saved my butt. Thank you!
just in case you misspelled Unreal Engine XD, the maps are saved in your content browser, are tagged with a yellow color, in the picture i have the levels filteres in ALL my content directory. in order to reopen a level just double click it or open another one ande then go back to the original.
This did not work for me. I dunno what ‘Static Lighting will be crack’ means other than when I did step 5, the light build failed instantaneously.
So what happens when there is no “Programs directory” in the sln file? I can’t rebuild in VS because my sln file is missing that directory that contains unreallightmass.cpp
Just got this problem, but from a different cause. I was running with a source-built engine, but hadn’t also built Lightmass from source. Building lightmass fixed the issue for me. Necroposting so that I can find this answer when I inevitably have this same issue again a couple months from now.
Try to change light source (directional light) stationary–>Movable
First post. Solved all my problems. Now I can go to sleep.
Wow. Not all heroes wear capes.
It just works when you delete your intermediate folder.
Maybe this tip will help somebody: I also always had the same message (Light build failed. Swarm Agent failed to kick off) in a map with several light sources, foliage and many static meshes with partly self created materials. At some point I noticed that I still had an object consisting of brushes (created with Add and Substract) in the map, which looked like a static mesh at first sight. I converted the brush into a static mesh and deleted the brushes. And everything was fine again.
You is amazing man!!
In my case everything works until here (step 12)
when the engine finishes the illumination build (swarm step) and try “import build light static”, the engine crashs and the program closes
Someone Help me please!
I need to go back sleep haha
This does not work for me, not sure how its working for everyone else. I still have the same error despite following these steps, verbatim.
For me it’s worse! I am now forced to re-compile everything that had already been compiled. 18,937 items to be recompiled.
Thank you.
Engine Version: 4.26
how to save the map ??