congratulations on great English! Regarding Your question: Just ignore red underlines, those are not real errors. Real errors are those that show up after compilation in “Errors List” tab. You need to fix those for Your project to compile.
congratulations on great English! Regarding Your question: Just ignore red underlines, those are not real errors. Real errors are those that show up after compilation in “Errors List” tab. You need to fix those for Your project to compile.
if i create a any project it always shows the different error in my project i don’t understand how to fix the error of solution. my version of visual studio is 2015. some times it shows the underline errors but it compile successfully and its work some time the code fully shows the error i don’t know to realize a real errors on sometime and also it shows some undefined error in my visual studio 2015 how to get a solution of these problems
That’s OK,i understand what you are saying,for new c++ class files there is always an error shown “Undefined”,and my extension for vs15 is not working i think.