i’ve create a “new project”… chosen ( Third person / mobile / Maximun Quality / No starter Content )
than from unreal launcher > library > open World Demo Collection > added to project (to above new project)
from new project open level “overview.umap”( content>KiteDemo>Maps>overview.umap )
selected a assets name “HillTree_02.uasset” ( content>KiteDemo>Enviroments>Trees>Hilltree_02>HillTree_02.uasset)
there is a error on the… details > Materials > element 5 (M_CustomDepthBillboard)
em working on a mobile platform trying out all the sample from launcher learn tab… found most assets not mobile friendly… maybe more tutorial the split between mobile and PC (eg some tutor that has Mac/PC or a note that it dont work on mobile etc.)