So, for the life of me, I can’t figure this one out. I thought my main game project was out of whack since I migrated from 4.15 to 4.17. But, I just created a blank VR Template project and opened up the MotionControllerMap and viola this RedScreen of Death shows up:
Steps to reproduce:
- Create blank VR Template project
- Open up MotionController Map
- Hit VRPreview (this is on a Rift CV1 btw)
- Exit and look at logs
Definitely something to do with VR, since I just tried FPS template and that’s good. Guess I’ll look at the MotionController BP and pawn to see if something’s out of whack that got missed in this release.
And this is from my project:
Happens 8 times when I hit play in my project, only once in blank VR Project… So maybe I have something that the Blank Project has, 8 times/calls in mine (can’t find it, seems like it’s 4x per one object)…or just some random freakiness going on.