Error creating UShapeComponent from multi hierarchy inheritance

Hi, and sorry for my English

I have some issues trying to create a UShapeComponent dynamically from a inheritance structure.

Tha class diagram is:

The class MagneticComponent has the attribute UShapeComponent *geometry and its constructor is:

   UMagneticComponent::UMagneticComponent(const class FObjectInitializer &objectInitializer)

And the class is UCLASS(abstract, ConversionRoot).
The child’s class from this class set the geometry how it want, like:

UMagneticSphereComponent::UMagneticSphereComponent(const class FObjectInitializer &objectInitializer)


After, the classes StaticObject and DynamicObject, both of they are like UCLASS(abstract, ConversionRoot), have attribute like UMagneticComponent *magnetic, and their constructors are like:

AStaticObject::AStaticObject(const class FObjectInitializer &objectInitializer)
	magnetic(objectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UMagneticComponent>(this, AStaticObject::magneticComponentName)),

And the child classes create the specific magnetic component in their constructors, like:

AStaticSphereObject::AStaticSphereObject(const class FObjectInitializer &objectInitializer)


This code works fine in the editor, but if I try to make a build/launch or use the debug, crash creating UMagneticComponent and I don’t understand why.

Am I missing something? is it possible use a structure like this?

Thanks all for the help.

I found the problem, I made a mistake creating the abstract object. To create abstract object I have to use :