Error Compiling C++

I’m currently working on a game and running into a problem when I try to compile my C++ classes. The problem started the other day when I attempted to compile some changes and the editor froze during the compile, or so I thought anyway so I force closed the editor to start over. Since then there is one line of code that seems to be the culprit but I don’t know why. It keeps crashing the editor. I looked in the log files and found this line which pointed me to a particular class:

[2017.04.11-03.50.18:194][124]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module ‘C:/dev/projects/ue4/FarkleFriends/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-2093.dll’ because the file couldn’t be loaded by the OS.

The line that seems to be causing the problem is:

AFGameMode *farkleGameMode = (AFGameMode*) GEngine->GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode();

I tried cleaning the Binaries directory, doing a clean build in Visual Studio, deleting and recreating AFGameMode. I’ve commented everything out in AFGameMode and still that line crashes the editor. When I comment it out the compile works fine. With it not commented, the editor freezes for a few seconds and this is what I see in the editor log:

Launching UnrealBuildTool... [C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.15/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe FarkleFriends -ModuleWithSuffix FarkleFriends 5177 Win64 Development -editorrecompile -canskiplink "C:/dev/projects/ue4/FarkleFriends/FarkleFriends.uproject" ]
Warning: Starting HotReload took  0.0s.
CompilerResultsLog: New page: Compilation - Apr 11, 2017, 11:51:24 AM
CompilerResultsLog: Info Compiling game modules for hot reload
CompilerResultsLog: Info Parsing headers for FarkleFriendsEditor
CompilerResultsLog: Info   Running UnrealHeaderTool "C:\dev\projects\ue4\FarkleFriends\FarkleFriends.uproject" "C:\dev\projects\ue4\FarkleFriends\Intermediate\Build\Win64\FarkleFriendsEditor\Development\FarkleFriendsEditor.uhtmanifest" -LogCmds="loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error" -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed
CompilerResultsLog: Info Reflection code generated for FarkleFriendsEditor in 5.954069 seconds
CompilerResultsLog: Info Performing 3 actions (2 in parallel)
CompilerResultsLog: Info ScoreUtil.cpp
CompilerResultsLog: Info [2/3] Link UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-5177.dll
CompilerResultsLog: Info [3/3] Link UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-5177.lib
CompilerResultsLog: Info    Creating library C:\dev\projects\ue4\FarkleFriends\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-5177.lib and object C:\dev\projects\ue4\FarkleFriends\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-5177.exp
CompilerResultsLog: Info    Creating library C:\dev\projects\ue4\FarkleFriends\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-5177.suppressed.lib and object C:\dev\projects\ue4\FarkleFriends\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-5177.suppressed.exp
CompilerResultsLog: Info Total build time: 14.61 seconds (Local executor: 4.07 seconds)
LogMainFrame: MainFrame: Module compiling took 15.252 seconds
LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module 'C:/dev/projects/ue4/FarkleFriends/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-FarkleFriends-5177.dll' because the file couldn't be loaded by the OS.
Warning: HotReload failed, reload failed /Script/FarkleFriends.
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy populated in 0.0211 seconds. Added 2254 classes and 459 folders.
Display: HotReload took 49.6s.

I can alter the code to avoid using this line but I’d still like to know what might be causing this. I have also attached a log from one of the failing builds I did. If anyone knows what might be causing the problem I’d love the help.Editor Log

Could try:

 AFGameMode *farkleGameMode = Cast<AFGameMode>(GEngine->GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode());
	//farkleGameMode->Thing( );