I just want to use ARKit for iOS build.
My project is pure, default project from Unreal4 template.
Once I Launch project, it’s okay and can run on my iPhone.
But I just press Launch button again, CodeSign Failed so I can’t run on my iPhone.
Here is some logs for more information.
I don’t have any idea about why it can build just once, never twice.
Please help me. Here is my steps.
- 4.20 Build
- New Project - HandheldAR
- Mobile/Tablet + Scalable 3D or 2D + No Starter Contents
- Project Setting - Platform - iOS
- My App ID is Wildcard, so I just let bundle ID default.
7. At first launch, success.
8. Next launch, ERROR: CodeSign Failed
LogPlayLevel: /usr/bin/codesign
–force --sign 31B9C21D48E4FF49BE36BA07BA8EA271339158E4
–entitlements /Users/bisk\ 1/Documents/Unreal
–timestamp=none /Users/bisk\ 1/Documents/Unreal
LogPlayLevel: 2018-06-17
09:52:57.679 xcodebuild[13232:179486]
DTDeviceKit: deviceType from
was NULL LogPlayLevel: 2018-06-17
09:52:57.679 xcodebuild[13232:179486]
DTDeviceKit: deviceType from
was NULL LogPlayLevel: 2018-06-17
09:52:57.680 xcodebuild[13232:179486]
iPhoneSupport: ??? 11.4 (15F79), 54280a33af863c148bc978df45c08204a9386aed>
unable to mount DeveloperDiskImage
(Error Domain=com.apple.dtdevicekit
Code=601 “Could not find platform”
not find platform}) LogPlayLevel:
/Users/bisk 1/Documents/Unreal
resource fork, Finder information, or
similar detritus not allowed
LogPlayLevel: Command CodeSign
failed with a nonzero exit code
LogPlayLevel: ** BUILD FAILED **
LogPlayLevel: The following build
commands failed: LogPlayLevel:
CodeSign /Users/bisk
LogPlayLevel: (1 failure)
LogPlayLevel: Took 6.467374s to run
env, ExitCode=65 LogPlayLevel: ERROR:
CodeSign Failed LogPlayLevel:
(see /Users/bisk 1/Library/Logs/Unreal
Engine/LocalBuildLogs/Log.txt for full
exception trace)