I get this error while asking for texture.
I can’t find any info. Can you help ?
This is really a strange message for the user in terms of software…
I get this error while asking for texture.
I can’t find any info. Can you help ?
This is really a strange message for the user in terms of software…
Hi Bennyman33,
this error was showed using UI or CLI?
What kind of data are you using? What kind of project is this? Were the cameras pre-calibrated? Was the model computed without error? What are your texture settings?
Hello OndrejTrhan,
Thank you for your reply.
I’m using the UI mode.
I have a bad qualilty images (1024*768), very noisy, some extracted from video with compression artefacts and unable to retake any shot. I use a lot of controls points and realign frequently.
The cameras are not precalibrated, but I group them in a lens group and calibration group.
The model is “clean.”
Here are my texture settings :
I need to solve this for my client.
There could be more problems. Also with your data, as you need a lot of control points to get it aligned. This could have influence on model computing and texture creation…
Can you try these texture settings:
I tried your settings but same error.
What should I do now ?
Hi Ben, can you check the model integrity and model topology? Also, try to use clean model tool. Is it possible just create unwrap for your model? Also, is it possible to use coloring, not texturing?
Can you try clean install (open RC with pushed SHIFT and choose the option Make it like a clean install)?
Hi OndrejTrhan,
The model is clean, no topology errors. Unwrap is working but for coloring the vertices fails.
It doesn’t change with clean install.
Hi Ben,
is there something written in the console view after this error?
By coloring in your last response, do you mean coloring or texturing?
Have you changed somehow the source data? Will it be possible to share the project and your data with us? If so, can you contact our support (support@cappturingreality.com)
Both coloring (colorize) and texturing fail.
In the console, I have this message:
Unfortunately I cannot share the data as it is confidential.
What are your alignment and reconstruction settings? From the video were the images extracted by RC or other application? Have you grouped the images manually or with RC?
If you will process just part of your images in a new project, is it possible to make textures?