Erratic sun rays using Movie Render Queue with AA - help needed

Hi everyone! Sorry if this was already answered or I ask the question in a not 100% correct way. I’m a beginner to both unreal engine and epic community and have probably missed something before posting.

Anyway, I really hope you could direct me to the right solution…

For some reason when I render my forest scene on UE5 using movie render queue, the sun rays become really erratic. I believe this is somehow related with AA of movie render queue getting in conflict with the wind settings of BP_Global_Folliage or phisics of the project in general, but I have no idea how to fix that…

Could you please navigate me towards fixing the issue?

You could see the result here: Lightrays issue - YouTube

This issue onlu shows itself during render. In preview it seems like every single one of 32 frames used for AA have slightly different rays positioning (which is affected by new quixel trees branches from BlackAlder collection). Even if i render the scene super-fast diring 2 seconds on 240 fps sequencer setting, it seems like the branckes movement just ignores the actual time set and happens on every FPS