Epic Online Services not installing

Hello! I installed .NET Framework 3.5. I trying to install EOS, but Launcher showed me the error 1603. I reinstalled launcher, but I see the error again. Maybe it is a bug?


Have the same problem. Updated Windows, turned on .NET Framework 3.5 completely, and still same error.
Been to the Microsoft error site for developers and it says that 1603 means a fatal error occurred during installation.

I get also the error EOS-ERR 1603!
Installed NetFramework 3.5 but the error remains the same.
Is there nothing we can do?

Getting the same error on update as well

I fixed it by reinstalling the epic game launcher on the C: storage

There are quite some wanna-be-solutions around the web for this error, like editing the registry, changing file permissions and so on, but they all do nothing for the actual real problem.

The solution to this is actually REALLY simple. If you have installed Epic Games Launcher on a different drive or folder than the default one, as many developers may have, this one will solve the issue:

tldr; Create manually a folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games”. Now try to install it, it should work!
You may need to run the EpicOnlineServices.msi file manually instead through the launcher.

Yes, all the installer is having an issue with is, that it cannot install this parent folder on it’s own … seriously…

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i don’t understand maybe u have discord to show me ?

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I took all the steps mentioned and even went with a manual install. All installs have been on my local disk C as recommended however when doing a manual install the process stops and asks me the following:

I have no idea what or where LineServices is. Is it part of the original installer if so why is it now here? All i know is that without this component it wont install, and thanks to its oh so generic naming, googling it in any capacity is a nightmare.

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Here’s a possible fix
Step 1 : Enter optionalfeatures in run (Win + R)
Step 2 : Check the 2 boxes below .NET Framework 3.5
Step 3 : Click ok.

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Ok I have just done it now what?

Is it possibel you have a N-Version of Windows?
The N-Versions do not include the Media Features Pack. You have to install it manually.
A missing Media Feature Pack can lead into the 1603 Error and blocking of some apps using the Media Features.

For any body still trying to find a fix for this here’s what worked for me
Just manually create a folder Named - “Epic Online Services”
Under - C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games
Then manually install epic online service from- C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras\EOS\epic online services.msi

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Hey there, ive had this problem for such a long time, it finally works.
So your going to want to go to

then " download troubleshoot",
if u downloaded it and it says “it is blocked because it can harm your file”, just right click and press keep.
Open it up.
So now that it has started up press “next”, wait for it to load and press “installing”. Its going to load a bit so be patient.
Now that it has loaded scroll down and search for “Epic Online Services”, click on that and press “next”,
after that press " Yes, try uninstall",
Dont worry it wont uninstall it, make sure your epic games isnt running in the background (by clicking on the arrow in the bottom right in yout taskbar
–>right click on epic games and click exit).
So press " Yes, try uninstall" and wait a bit, if it says fixed with a check next to it it should work.
Go to epic games and try to install the online services again and it should work now.
Hopefully it worked for u as it did for me.
If there is anything that sounds confusing and isnt clear, let me know.


This worked for me! THANK YOU!!

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Worked, thank you so much oml

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Yes thank you!

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u r a godsend

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Gives me error EOS-ERR-NOTUDATED and idk what is not updated, my windows is updated and I already hv Epic Games updated…

Did that, also uninstalled Epic Games Launcher and everything else around it, reinstalled on C:Program Files (x86) ect. and even installed manualz and not frm the launcher and it doesnt instal…

Same here…
Even reinstalled windows 11 Home - English (UK) - installed epic launcher - then it cannot install services… Starting the installer manually, it starts, all the files are written, and then rolled back…
Tried all the fixes here and on various forums. admin mode, bla bla… EVERYTHING…

Even in December 2024 - this does not work on a blank windows machine… No messages, errorcodes (except the standard one that links to a page on epic site - with all the fixes that most likely work for some)… …

Funny thing is - to identical machines… Installs on one, not on the other… No explanation !!


Now I have the files available (made a copy of them while installing). Will try to MANUALLY install the service from the binaries…


Also for info - does NOT show up in the microsoft troubleshooter… Even after 10 installation attempts… Only “epic games launcher” and “epic games launcher prereqs x64” shows up there…