I tried attaching a .fbx file (in the end used the useful text out of it in the post itself since it was only two lines) and the site says that .fbx isn’t a permitted filetype for uploading.
I’ve been testing importing basic (cubes etc.) models from Modo 701 (service pack 5) and while more of an annoyance than a problem there is the small issue that when you import 2013 format .fbx files into the editor it complains that there were no smoothing groups found.
The models are actually importing with smooth/hard edges and look just fine both in the perspective viewport and static mesh editor so it would be nice if we could disable this warning in the import options. If you import a 2010 .fbx file it detects that there’s smoothing and doesn’t display the warning (but does complain that out of date formats may produce bad results). Opening my two exported .fbx (2010/13) files in a text editor shows that the 2010 file is plain text while the 2013 files are now a compiled format.
Also I should say that I’m using the Vertex Normal Toolit for Modo which allows you to set soft/hard edges akin to Maya as opposed to using Modos smoothing groups settings (I used to use Maya and this is more preference than anything) and I don’t think this makes any difference to the output fbx file but I thought I’d better say this just in case.
The other issue that I’ve had is with LOD importing. Is there any way a naming convention could be set up on the importer so when it detects multiple meshes contained within a .fbx file it can check the name of the mesh to see if it’s named LOD1…9999 etc. and know to import it as a LOD mesh accordingly.
I was attempting to mimic the instructions for LOD within Maya in Modo however I never suceeded at all. I see that in Maya you create a lod group called lodGroup1, and then you group all your lod meshes under this group.
I tried creating a modo group (group locator) naming it lodGroup1 and then putting all my meshes in this one group (and naming them mesh, mesh_1, mesh_2 etc. as the picture of Maya’s group structure shows) however on importing this all the models imported on top of each other as one big mess, and choosing to try individual import did work but of course then you have multiple assets clogging up the assset browser. I also tried parenting all lod meshes to the mesh outside of any groups etc. but this resulted in the same issue as above.
When I open the files as .fbx 2010 format (so that they’re viewable as standard text) I see that the group locator in the text has an actual name in the fbx file of:
"Model: “Model::lodGroup”, “Null” {
and each mesh and lod mesh also in a similar manner has:
Model: “Model::Cube_1”, “Mesh” {
Which are the names I set in Modo for the group locator and meshes, so perhaps the importer could be made to look for _1,2,3… etc.
In a 2013 export the only readable bits are the names themselves (eg. cube/cube_1).
Update 30th march 2014:
I’ve since tried importing fbx containing u*x_ collision models and they work just fine so the importer is detecting mesh names for Modo so perhaps allowing it to detect mesh items labelled lod1_, lod_2 etc. would be the way to go especially since I presume the method will work for every other 3d app out there. Do you still want the .fbx files attached or are you happy enough with just the text and information I posted above?