Epic MegaJam! October 8-15th, 2015. THEME: STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS

Have fun, enjoy the ride, and maybe learn a new thing or two. Thats what those Jams are all about (or at least, supposed to)

So what is the theme?

they usually announce toward the end of the stream ->

Theme is live GO GO GO

Hmm, this will require some abstract thinking…

Want that Game Jam Kickoff Video?


Very fitting theme, as we all who work on UE4 projects are standing on the shoulders of giants.

Standing on the shoulders of giants…i´ll need a lot of grass to get some ideas for this one :wink: Or maybe i´ll skip this one and work on my game…

I have a question… I am 16, so can I participate on this one? I made some other Jams in Dec, Jan and Feb, but because of that extra winning stuff , I better ask…

Got a few ideas, threw a few out due to complexity, but I have 3 that I can work with (I’ll need to sleep on it… need sleep… insomnia in anticipation of the Jam is a !@#%^)… I hope the forums are ready for the unleashing I am going to be doing asking questions :slight_smile:

RE: The original material requirement, does that just mean no engine defaults or does that include outsourced assets as well?
How much alteration would be required for a material to be considered original?

I was curious about this myself.

“All art assets in the game must have a material other than the default applied to it.” I.e. it must have a material. Not the default grey chess pattern texture that you get otherwise.
That’s my understanding of it.

I think it means everything from the starter content so that techhex for example… No one would habe that chess mat either

Haven’t participated in one of these in a while, may try to through an idea together for this due to interest in the theme…hmm. Good Luck!

Hey guys, I made this reddit post](https://.reddit/r/unrealengine/comments/3o0msv/collect_ideas_here_standing_on_the_shoulders_of/)**** for people to collect and share Ideas, incase they come up with some they don’t want/can’t do themselves, can atleast share them with others :wink:

I’m finding it difficult to come up with a good idea for this theme. More thinking…

wow 241 teams… that’s a lot of games to play :smiley:

Werk werk! SOMETHING TO DOING :open_mouth:

I have one question: Can I use unity?
Just kidding! :wink:

Can it be a VR game only?
