I am trying to get the list of all players in a recently created EOS-session, but the list is empty after searching.
For simplicity, I am only adding the hosting-player to the session first, which I want to use later after calling FindSession
1. Host creates session
TSharedPtr<IOnlineServices> OnlineServices = GetServices(EOnlineServices::Epic);
UE::Online::FCreateSession::Params CreateSessionParams;
CreateSessionParams.SessionName = TEXT("Test");
CreateSessionParams.LocalAccountId = AccountID; // AccountID is set earlier
CreateSessionParams.bPresenceEnabled = true;
CreateSessionParams.bIsLANSession = false;
CreateSessionParams.SessionSettings.SchemaName = TEXT("Test");
CreateSessionParams.SessionSettings.NumMaxConnections = 32;
CreateSessionParams.SessionSettings.JoinPolicy = ESessionJoinPolicy::Public;
CreateSessionParams.SessionSettings.bAllowNewMembers = true;
.OnComplete([OnlineServices,this](const TOnlineResult<FCreateSession>& Result)
if (Result.IsOk())
// 2. Add the local player to the session
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Host discussion successful"));
UE::Online::FAddSessionMember::Params AddSessionMemberParams;
AddSessionMemberParams.LocalAccountId = AccountID;
AddSessionMemberParams.SessionName = TEXT("Test");
.OnComplete([this,OnlineServices](const TOnlineResult<FAddSessionMember>& Result)
if (Result.IsOk())
// at this point, I can use OnlineServices->GetSessionsInterface()->GetAllSessions() to
// iterate over all local sessions, where a player still exists, but if I use ISessions::FindSessions, the player will be deleted async later, but why ?
More info:
It seems that “FSessionCommon::SessionMembers” is cleared out after calling “ISession::FindSessions”.
Why would “FSessionCommon::SessionMembers” not be persistent ?
For simplicity, I am using only one player and add the host to the created session with ISessions::AddSessionMember.
That call is succeeding, as does “EOS_Sessions_RegisterPlayers” in “FSessionsEOSGS::AddSessionMemberImpl” later.
And I can see that the playercount has been increased in the epic games dev-portal for my application.
So, it seems that the backend has been correctly informed about the added player, but as soon as I try to find the session with ISessions::FindSession, ISession::GetSessionMembers() always returns an empty array.
Any clue what might be wrong? I believe that the client-permissions are correct, but maybe I have missed something.