EOS Login Doesnt appear

Hello people i am trying to make a multiplayer game using epic’s EOS, and the advanced sessions plugins. whenever i try to join a friends session it doesnt find any sessions.
So i did some digging and i think my login just doesnt work. I am following this tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7-h54najFY and the only difference i can see is that the guy in the tutorial actually gets a external login window and i don’t. I did double check and everything in the EOS project settings is correct (client id’s and secrets)

Here is the code i use :
Create Session :

Join Session :

And the login code :

Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance!

I have found the answer myself in the meantime, if this happened to anyone else it was because even though you dont use a encryption key you still need to have that filled in so you can use 64 zeros :slight_smile: :


^^ these are 64 zeros you can paste into the encryption key in the artifact settings


Thank you! I’m having the same problem, I’m on it since two days, now it is solved :slight_smile:

@sandmanxan it not work on the iPhone, do u have save issue?