[EOS] can't find P2P server when in different subnetworks.

Hey everyone. I’m having trouble discovering a server created by a user on a remote machine when both PCs are not connected to a single router.

I’m trying to set up P2P connection - one player creates a session and another joins him and they play together - no dedicated servers.

I setup my EOS Client with a Client Policy, and I can see Analytics changes when I host a server, which I suppose indicates I did everything right. But when I try to look for hosted server on another machine I’m getting zero results unless both PCs connected to the same router.

I’m using Advanced Sessions plugin to host and join sessions.
I’ve tried connecting from both editor and packaged builds
For Sandboxes keys I’m using Live ones (if that even applicable for what I’m trying to do).

I’ve tried setting up policies with checkmark User required on and off.
BTW I have a question regarding this one. Does “player should be logged in” requirement means registered Epic user authentication or some other kind of login implemented by EOS plugin?

I’ve tried setting client encryption key to 64 zeroes as suggested by someone on the internet.

At this point I feel a bit lost, I’m not sure what else I can tweak.