Environment lighting (in doors)

Hey =)

So I am building an indoor level, but I am really struggling with the lighting :frowning: Is there a way to have the entire map be a certain brightness? Or do I have to use lighting actors all over the place? I tried messing with the exposure levels, but it is still far too dark in certain places… is my only option to light every single corner of the map? Can anyone help? ^^

While I know little about lighting, I do know that you can drag a Skylight (located in the same Light tab where all the other lights are) into your level and it will generalize the lighting in your level and light up all those dark corners. You can adjust that skylight’s brightness/darkness and everything to get a good base lighting. You could try that and see if it is what you were looking for.

There are three ways how to do that:

  1. skylight (as Ashern mentioned)
  2. GI -> Global Illumination
  3. ambient cubemap in your post process volume :slight_smile:

thanks you guys! i tried a skylight last night and it kind of looks like it might work, although i still need to do a lot of work to get the existing point lights working now. i will have to check out the other 2 options you mentioned too, thanks!

Here you can see how to enable gi -> https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?69307-The-state-of-Distance-Field-GI-in-4-8 :slight_smile:

hey again! so i am currently almost done with my scene, but i now have an odd white flickering light. can anyone maybe take a look at this vid and see if they know how to fix it? i dont have any lighting that is white or bright like that (afaik) so no idea what is causing it :frowning:


any clues? ^^

-what lights do you use in your scene?
-do you have a landscape in your level?
-disable the reflection in all materials and check if you still get that effect :slight_smile:

To me, that looks like some meshes in the corner are being culled, but the camera is moving faster than the culling is being updated and the skybox is shining through

i only use the light from the default particle system included and a skylight. ive tried removing them and it doesnt resolve the problem :confused: however I did notice that when i turn the graphics down and make the screen smaller, it removes/drastically reduces the flashes. does that mean its just my pc not being good enough?

if not, the above post about culling sounds about right - how can i improve the rate meshes get culled? can i somehow preload them or something like that? any advice? ^^ please and thank you!

Hi lawol,

in the World Settings tab, try to play with the values under ‘Precomputed Visibility’. Unfortnuatly this popping of objects is with lower framerates more visible.

However another simple solution could be do surrond your cave with a black box, to prevent your skybox from shining through the missing meshes. This should eliminate the white flashes which occur through bloom and auto exposure.

i already tried surrounding the cave in a black box, but it still causes the flickering :frowning: i’m at work atm, but will check (maybe there is a little gap somewhere) and i’ll try adjusting the world settings like you said. thanks for the advice!