Enhanced Input LookAction bugged with inverted values

Can anyone help me with this issue. I migrated to 5.1 and I have the enhanced input plugins setup in my c++ project. Everything is working for the basic movement with enhanced inputs but the IA_Look input is broken for me. When I move left with my mouse, my character turns to look right (inverted behavior). Looking in the debugging, I see that it gives positives values when looking/turning left. It should give negative values.


My project is a copy of the standard third person ue 5.1 project. My settings are exactly the same, anyone that also has experienced this?

This is de code I am using:

 void AGDHeroCharacter::Look(const FInputActionValue& Value)
 	// input is a Vector2D
 	FVector2D LookAxisVector = Value.Get<FVector2D>();

 	if (Controller != nullptr)
 		// add yaw and pitch input to controller

Sorry i meant X and Z

ok so i had the same problem and when i checked the new FPS template input map i found this, by default all 3 are ticked, untick X and Y and it fixes it


Was about to lose my mind, couldn’t find a single difference between my project and the starter FPS project.

Awesome, this fixed the issue for me. Thank you!

I was about to loose my mind ■■■■ thank you!!!