Enhanced Input Breaks in VR When Adding Input Action

I’m using the VR template enhanced input mapping setup for my project, renaming and remapping button mappings in the existing input actions and mapping context successfully. HOWEVER, as soon as I try to add a new input action to the default mapping context, and then start up VR preview, the system is broken and my controllers aren’t even visible.

Through a process of elimination, I’ve found that if I add the new input action to the mapping context WITHOUT assigning a button mapping (just leaving it as “None”), my controllers are still working in VR preview. But when I actually assign a button mapping to that new input action, that’s when it breaks.

I’m using Oculus touch controllers, if that helps. Thanks!

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I know it’s been a while since this post was active, but I wanted to throw this up there for anyone running into a similar issue in the future. My team ran into a similar issue recently when working with the Oculus Rift on a project. The cause of our issue was that the value of the action description property inside of our new input actions was the same as other existing input actions within the same mapping context (duplicating the old actions and not changing the value) and open xr seemed to be using the action description as a localized name used as a key.

Changing the new input action’s action description value fixed our issues with the controllers.

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