I currently make a 2D platformer in UE 5.1. I want my character to immediatly move when an input key is held during level load.
I have the following problem with Enhanced Input Actions:
When any of my mapped keys is held during level load, the enhanced input Action does the following repeatedly:
It triggers Started, Triggered, Triggered, Completed and then begins with started again.
This triggers as long as no other keyboard key is pressed. Doing so will then block all input triggers of the held down key until it is released and pressed again.
Other things I tried:
- Mapping enhanced inputs on a mousebutton instead of the keyboard will just not trigger any inputs when the level is reloaded.
- Holding 2 different keys will only trigger the input of the last button that was pressed
- When during level load an enhanced input key is held down and any other key is pressed afterwards, no inputs will be triggered when level load is finished.