Engine Crashes with video drivers crash and reset

Hey, Radeon 380 user here using the latest non-beta catalyst drivers.

I’ve found a good workaround for this is to simply launch the Epic Games Launcher in offline mode. I don’t know if this’ll work for anyone else, but I can go longer than 8 seconds without it crashing.

edit: Still seems to happen, but I can go on a lot longer, and do a lot more with it offline.

I’m using Unreal Engine 10, and latest beta video driver, it doesn’t crash.
Actually, it didn’t crashed since I’m using engine 10 preview 3.

The problem still occurs when I use the latest beta drivers, though it is intermittent.

Hi all,

If you are like me and are still having trouble with the Unreal Editor crashing on a Radeon 380 R9 series despite having the latest beta drivers, what stopped the crashes for me was changing the editor’s shadow quality to “Low”:

Hey Andrew, this issue still happening ! Bug has not been fixed at all ? I’m using UE 4.16.2 and it is crashing. (I have R9 285)

Anyone still having this issue ? I’m still crashing on various occasions, sometimes after 20-25 mins later sometimes 1-2 mins. only using standart Third person shooter template with starter content. any help ?

I get same error messages like the ones who mentioned in this page so i didn’t bother to write them. I’m using R9 285

17.7.1 , i assume this the latest driver. This issue has been fixed at all ? If so when ?

hey, this is the only solution ? is there any driver updates to solve this ? I have a R9 285 gc and setting the Shadows to low make no difference for me, still getting crash.

What driver version are you using?