Engine crashes sometimes when I compile my C++ Classes

Hey guys.
I’m currently trying to implement a TooltipComponent which Shows itself when I click on an Object using this Component.
Unfortunately the Engine crashes sometimes when Object itself lies in the World Outliner while compiling.
Everytime I Change something I have to delete the Object, compile, and drag it back into the World.

I think it have something to do with something being null. Unfortunately I can’t debug my Project.

After it crashes the next time I try to do a snapshot, when the Error appears.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Heres a Picture of the error.

And the codelines the error maybe Comes from:

A Little Explanation what the TooltipableMeshActor is:
TooltipableMeshActor derives from StaticMeshComponent. It has a TooltipComponent, which derives from TextRenderComponent(Which shows the Title of the Description) and consists of a StaticMesh (A Plane or something similar the Text is projected on and another TextRenderComponent which represents the Content of the Actor Description.

Thank you.