Enemies rub against each other and fly away…
what’s the problem?? sweep??
weapon is overlap all dynamic…
not staticmesh collision
Enemies rub against each other and fly away…
what’s the problem?? sweep??
weapon is overlap all dynamic…
not staticmesh collision
+1 for the title & description. QA technican’s wet dream.
Sounds like a physics sim issue. Are you simulating? Another +1 internet point if you show the result
no This is the default character value.
I mean, if you do not include details, no one can help… Default characters do not eject one another into space.
Fly away as if there was no gravity? I hate playing guessing games. Post details please!
It’s probably not about the settings, it’s something else, most likely the script. Could you show a bit of footage of how it looks like? Or a screenshots with a description.
It’s pretty much impossible to tell what is going on in your project.
Are you talking about the source code?
by default unreal is setting physics to popcorn setting.
you’ll probably want to set it to hamburger or cheese pizza in most cases.
sorry, i couldn’t resist.
The amount of source code is huge.
This is Enemy sourceCode.
Seems pretty straightforward to me. You’re launching the character during an action. What values are you piping in? Direction
and Launch Value
. You’ve commented out direction normalisation, perhaps you’re feeding it a huuuge value.
Could this be it? Perhaps you could demonstrate it with a short video?
It’s getting late now, so I’ll post another post tomorrow afternoon.
Haha, I take it all back - what I said about the description, it’s actually spot on.
Hard to tell for sure but to me it does look as if the characters were being launched. Can they be launching one another? This should be fairly easy to debug, no? I mean, you wrote it, right?
what do you want??
I would like to have a look at the post above:
And see if you can answer the queries.
Is it possible the characters are trying to launch one another? What values are you piping in?
I think there is a problem here.
But this is an internal function.
This is a function that is executed when the enemy is hit.
In normal state, there is no collision with the weapon.
//FVector direction = target - start;
FVector direction = DamageInstigator->GetPawn()->GetActorForwardVector();
UAnimMontage* montage;
CHelpers::GetAssetDynamic(&montage, "AnimMontage'/Game/Character/Montages/TwoHand/Block/Frank_RPG_2Hand_Block_Montage1.Frank_RPG_2Hand_Block_Montage1'");
//LaunchCharacter(-direction * LaunchValue, true, false);
I recommend you put a break point in the OnHitted function so that you know when it’s being called. Run around with the enemies and see if it’s being called when it should not be called.
If it’s being called when you are not hitting enemies, you know something is calling it at the wrong time.
Perhaps when you launch the character in the code, you should also print a statement to the log. Print the vector that you are using to launch the character. If it has a very high Z value (vectors are X,Y,Z) , then you know the launch value is wrong for some reason.
Keep debugging and figure it out piece by piece
every life’s problem should become popcorn