UPDATE! Version 1.1 is here, we’ve moved out of Beta Stage!
You can download the new version here:
Those who already bought can download the update now for free.
Changelog for v1.1:
- Improved algorithms for generation and updating of Tiles
- New Multi-Threading Plugin version allowing for faster updates.
- Increased Stability
- Greatly reduced bugs and glitches
- New Forest Generation integrated with the Terrain Generation
Installation Tutorial:
Download and install the required Plugins to your engine:
Multi-Thread Interface Plugin:
Unreal Fast Noise Plugin:
And, the Runtime Mesh Plugin:
After you have installed the pre-requisites, download Procedural Terrain to your computer, extract it in any folder of your choice, preferably where you have all your UE4 Projects, execute the ProceduralTerrain.uproject file, Unreal will ask if you want to convert the project to your current version of the Engine, you must say Yes.
When the project finishes converting and loading, you can play test it.
Controls are as follows:
WASD control character
Shift to run
U switches between normal movement and super Flash mode
hold Space to fly and press U to return to ground.
To use the Terrain in other projects, Migrate the contents of the folder “Terrain” to any other project. (Migrating just the TerrainManager should do the trick)
Open your other project, and drag the TerrainManager blueprint to your level, reset it’s transform so it sits on 0,0,0 coordinate, place your player character in the same position, and play, everything should already function properly.
Also, remember to go to your Project Settings and set the maximum loop iteration count to 100000000
NOTICE: All materials are Unlit minimalistic materials meant as placeholders, you may implement your own materials at will.
Full walkthrough of the Source code coming soon for those who wish to modify it and implement new and custom functionality.
Read the documentation here:
Find me on Discord for any assistance: