Endless Expanding Circles Material

Hey all

I found a similar idea in the forum but it’s not exactly what I’m after.
I want an endless motion of an expanding circle stroke,

I have the find part done of creating the stroke with the gradient node:

but I am not sure how to make them grow outwards with warping so it keeps on moving forever.

Any tips?

thanks a lot

How about?


I don’t know how to do it with what you have. I guess you might be able to do something with scaling UVs and crossfading using a lerp. You would need twice as many nodes, though.

Here’s another one:

Wow both options are amazing! love this!! thank you so much

If I use 3-4 different methods like this in the same material, is there some sort of “select on int” or a way that I can switch between them, without the need to use many many lerps of 0-1?

This would give you 3 options based on that param:

And you can have many IFs. Not particularly efficient but can be convenient, for sure.

That works! 3 is enough in my case - thanks again :slight_smile:

I just showed this to my friend, and he gave up smoking… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Having an issue with the If node,

no matter what I put in the main param ChaseMode, I still get the A<B input as a result

maybe I missed some detail?

haha NodeBasedHigh!

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