Oculus SteamVR input works in 5.1 but not 5.2… how can I fix this?
In 5.2, my “+ Source” results in a Source Type = XR, Source Machine = Local XR, but no data… the Subject Name panel is blank.
I loaded a 5.1 Preset and then the Subject Name panel displays the proper XR inputs (ie. SteamVRController_1xxxRight.Transform" but the light = Yellow instead of Green.
I tried removing Pixel Streaming and no luck.
I run the same setup in parallel in 5.1, and, it works… but doesn’t work in 5.2.
I have the same Plugins (OpenXR, etc.) in 5.2 as 5.1… but doesn’t work.
I tried using old deprecated P
Is there a way to force Unreal 5.2 to see my Oculus SteamVR input?
Thank you.
This is the most progress I can get in 5.2…