Enable Update Rate Optimization - Root Motion Error

In the skeletal mesh component under the ‘Optimization’ tag is an option to ‘Enable Update Rate Optimization’.
This works as intended, however for root animation there is a critical downside:

Due to the reduced animation frames, the actor velocity is higher.

I created a small project to show this error: -deleted-

If you move the camera further away, you will notice that the actor velocity increases. This is from a gameplay perspective a pretty big issue.

I think the proper way would be, that the optimization is ignored for animations with root motion enabled.

Hey ,

Thanks for reporting this. I reproduced it and have entered UE-42117. You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.

I just found an interesting piece on Unreal forums:


It seems, it is possible to specify a flag to say that root motion preservation is required during optimization; at least from C++ but not sure about blueprints and editor.