I think when you use IsEmpty() or .Num() the system asumes MyArray is valid.
the pointer of an array is = the pointer of the first item.
if there is not array AT ALL then you cant tell how many elements it holds (.Num())
TArray<AActor*> Items;
AActor* ItemActor = Spawn bla bla bla;
if(Items[0] != nullptr)
// ItemActor already destroyed completely, but still it is valid pointer in Array Reference
Items[0]->DoSomething(); // Crash, because ItemActor is actually not valid
Similarly, if we do something with Array when it’s values are not valid like this, it may crash.
So make sure to manually remove from array if actor is destroyed or pending destroy.
I can’t even check the array man. The engine thinks the array itself is a problem not it’s content. I can’t even do Items[0] or .IsEmpty() or .Num() == 0 or .IsValidIndex(0) on it.