Emote state help

Hello, would anyone mind helping me figure out what I need to do next in order to get my player to emote his player state on his visor?

I believe it can be done via widget in character blueprint, but I want it to dynamically switch states to different emotes depending on if the character is attacking, idle, free roaming, etc.

If it would help, think of Zero from the Borderlands series but with a daft punk head

Hey @CoffeeAddictGames!

You should be able to use a 3D widget and blueprint interface to send the necessary information to your widget. For example, in your character’s blueprint a state could trigger depending on whatever action you are taking, and while in that state you could send a corresponding Enum to your widget.

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Thanks for your response! Could you elaborate a bit more on what I need to do when enumerating the states on the widget? In the meantime I will try playing with that idea more.

Hey @CoffeeAddictGames,

The basic gist is that you would have your specific states like listed above, attacking, default, happy, etc. So you would need to make yourself a state machine in your character blueprint to keep track of your states, and when you switch between states, the new state would send your state number through to your interface to your widget, changing to the correct widget. Keep in mind that this is a rough example but that the general overview of how that should work.

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