Hi everyone!
Beginner here doing some archviz work. I would like to use an emissive material to simulate a cruved LED strip. I could not get it to work, so I did some tests with just a standard FPS template. Emissive materials work as expected in 5.1, but if I open that same project in 5.2 or 5.3, the emissive material does not cast any light on its surroundings. Is this a setting somewhere that I have to change? Or am i missing something else?
you have a proper strength setup? and is it an unlit material?
in general you should avoid emissive materials for lighting directly, tho. lumen handles it alot better in 5.3.2 than 5.1, but they still become an image stabilty factor when they are too small or too far to contribute to the lumen probes. the better process is to fake just the surface and use real lamps for the actual lighting and contribution to the scene and gi.
Yes, lumen is enabled. Scalability is set to Medium.
But for some bizarre reason, it suddenly worked today… No updates installed or anything (on either computer) I can’t figure out what could have happened. But hey, I’ll take it
And as glitchered said, if they are too small it starts to get splotty because the LED strip itself is very small compared to the room where it’s in. So I guess I’ll be adding a bunch of rectangular lights to simulate it.
Having the same issue with 5.3.2; checked Bloom settings, whether Lumen was being used for Global Illumination and Reflections, tried Bloom in the PostProcessVolume settings, none of it works.
I suppose I’ll have to pray for it to work as well