Emissive Materials and Lights are very dim

Hello, I’m trying to give an emissive material to these strip lights, but even when I ramp up my intensity multiplier, it struggles to get much brighter in the scene, when in the mesh editor it looks correct, I also noticed that when I add a spotlight to my scene i have to crank it to at least 1000 cd for it to show up. I feel like it has something to do with my post process volume or my sun sky but I’m not sure? My directional light is set to 6000 lux and my post process metering mode is at manual with an exposure of 1.96. Not sure if those values are too extreme but any help on the matter would be great

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Something’s up.

3lux should be enough for the directional light :smiley:

Of course, because you’re indoors, the directional light isn’t really going to do anything.

What happens when you just make a default level, put a room in it and an emissive object ( no PP or anything else )?

Here’s the same scene with the directional light in the sunsky blueprint set to 6 lux, and the intensity of the same material set to 10, it seems like there’s some value in my post process volume that’s severely clamping down my lighting, but I’m not sure what

You can click the settings code, and top of the list is, ‘show only change values’, or something like that… :slight_smile:


turned out it was the min and maxev100 values that were messing with everything, it’s looking correct now, thanks!

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