I met a strange problem for emissive material.Pls see my screenshot - Here I use a emissive material to lit the scene.And I checked “Actor Hidden In Game”.But while I press key “G” to hide it, the lighting will disappear when I move faraway.How can I fix this problem?Anybody know what is wrong with me?Thx!
In gameplay, the emissive lighting will work when you walk to close it. But when you walked farway, the emissive lighting will close like the image I showed.
If you want an actor to be hidden but still contribute emissive light, then you need to disable GI screen traces for lumen. But it begs the question of why not just use an actual light? Real lights will generally look better and not suffer the same limitations.
If it should be like this below:
Software Ray Tracing > Generate Mesh Distance Fields ( Unchecked)
I have tested this, but the problem is still there.
The reason why I want to use the emissive material intead of the real light is I want achieve the best performance.When you have serveral lights together, the performance will be lower.Pls see attached image.
The problem is overlapping the lights. You could either use one larger light, or use smaller lights and then they wont overlap and cause performance issues.
I also tested this command before.It dosen’t work as well.
For the light, sometime they have to be overlapped, it will be slow.So I think if I can have the emissive material to lit the scene, it will be a good way.
I was having problem to show the emissive lights from objects that are occluded in the view but reflecting its light to the area, and this solve it. thanks!!!
Still the emissive material, in a thing light strap makes noise results